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Neo Smile Design

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Neo Smile Design is a dental procedure which artistically creates straighter, whiter and beautiful natural looking smiles.

Neo Smile Design is a dental procedure which artistically creates straighter, whiter and beautiful natural looking smiles. Neo Smile Design can do wonders to fully restore your dental health and appearance regardless of the original state of your existing teeth.


Benefits of Neo Smile Design


Neo Smile design is a permanent way to restore and revitalize youth and confidence.

Neo Smile Design is an overall important investment in your overall appearance.

Factors that decrease our smile like wear, chipping and discoloration. These can happen gradually; Smile enhancement can get you smiling confidently again.

The doctors will work with you to customize and plan your Neo Smile Design.

A free consultation is arranged to make sure you achieve your cosmetic dental goals and to resolve your underlying dental problems.

The timeline is planned so as to minimize the number of appointments and to make sure your smile is completed on time.

The Neo Smile catalogue is used to discuss with the patient, the arrangement of teeth, their choices in shape, shade and color and what effect this has on their overall appearance.


Some Neo Smile Designs only require Porcelain Veneers.

Other Neo Smile Designs will require a combination and Porcelain Crowns and implants.

Porcelain crowns are chosen when teeth are weak such as endodontically treated teeth or teeth will large old restorations (like large old crowns).

Sometimes teeth are missing in the forefront of your smile. This then requires either a porcelain bridge or an implant with a Porcelain crown.

Multiple missing anterior teeth may require multiple implants or an implant supported denture to make the completed smile designs.

If too much gum tissue is showing or the gums are uneven when the individual smiles, gum contouring is done with lasers to reduce the amount of gum showing.

If only a few teeth are veneered, then the other teeth are whitened before the smile design is completed. This ensures that the smile is enhanced and brightened.


Who is a candidate for a Neo Smile Design?


An individual that wants to smile confidently again.

Anyone that wants to invest in their dental health and in their overall facial appearance.

Dental Implants

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A dental implant, also called tooth implant, is an artificial tooth placed into the jawbone for replacing the root of a tooth.

A dental implant, also called tooth implant, is an artificial tooth placed into the jawbone for replacing the root of a tooth. Being made of titanium, they have a strong foundation for your permanent or removable teeth that should blend in with the natural ones. They are a suitable option for people who have lost one or more teeth due to an injury, periodontal disease or other reasons. They are a long-term solution for restoring your lost smile. If you care for the implants and your teeth properly, then they will last for a lifetime.


Dental Implant Procedure


Firstly, the dental specialist will surgically place the implant into the jaw bone. The dental implant will replace the tooth root and need proper time (3 to 6 months for healing). During this healing time, osseointegration takes place where there is a connection between the jawbone and the implant. Some patients may have to wait until the implant is completely integrated into the jawbone. Other patients can have replacement teeth and implants placed in a single visit.

The abutment is positioned to connect the implant and the prosthetic tooth. The abutment is a connection that spans through the gum line so that the implant remains buried. In the case of a dental implant, the abutment has its own recovery period. The gum around the abutment must cure before the crown is placed.

Finally, the implantologist will place the artificial tooth/teeth. In case of a single tooth implant, the implantologist will customize a new tooth, known as a dental crown. The crown will depend on the shape, size and color so that it blends perfectly with your natural teeth. If you’re replacing more than one tooth, there are custom-made bridges or dentures that will fit your mouth and implants. The dentist will require some time to make the artificial teeth. During this time, he may give a temporary bridge, crown or denture so that you can chew and speak normally until the replaced teeth are ready.


Full Mouth Teeth


When you have suffered tooth loss, whether that has been due to disease or perhaps to an accident then considering dental implants for the full mouth maybe a very welcome solution to the problem. At Neobeautify, our dental specialists provide this excellent solution for replacing full sets of teeth carried out on the same day, it is the perfect solution that will restore your smile to as close as its original state as it can be.


All On 4 All On 6 Dental Implants with NeoBeautify


When teeth are missing many things are affected. Not only have you lost your ability to chew and eat properly but your entire face shape can change and you may look a lot older than you actually are and Your speech will be affected too. Our dental specialists will help you with sophisticated dental implant treatment that will restore your smile and, rather than having to suffer for months, all this can be achieved in just one day.

Whether you have all on 4 or all on 6 dental implants the procedure will be the same. Either four or six implants will be embedded into the jawbone. These titanium posts will then serve as the roots for the new teeth, that will be fixed on top of the implants.




Bone grafting, or bone augmentation, is most often used in restorative dentistry to bulk up and strengthen the jawbone before having teeth implant surgery. Periodontal disease, infection, and trauma can all affect the bone structure, making this procedure necessary. And if you have been missing teeth for some time, your jawbone will start to recede and lose density, making it unfit for implantation.

During jaw bone grafting, natural or synthetic bone material is used to strengthen the existing jaw bone and make implant surgery possible.




A sinus lift can make the implant placement procedure possible, thus allowing patients with bone loss in their upper jaw to enjoy the benefits for a long-term solution to their missing or failing teeth using dental implants. Sinus lifting is a surgery that adds new bone to your upper jaw in the area of the molars and premolars. The bone is added between the narrow jaw and the large maxillary sinuses. To make room for the bone, the sinus membrane is gently separated and moved upward, or “lifted.” Bone is then added, in most cases the dental implant can be placed at the same time resulting in an increase in bone volume that anchors the implant.

Sinus lifts have become common during the last 20 years as more people are choosing dental implants to replace missing teeth.

Dental Crowns

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Dental crowns, also known as dental caps, are dental fillings that cap or encirculate each tooth or dental implant.

Dental crowns, also known as dental caps, are dental fillings that cap or covers each tooth or dental implant. Crowns have many uses such as preventing tooth decay, enhancing tooth appearance and improving the strength of the natural teeth. Crowns can be made using different materials and are typically bonded to the tooth by dental cement. The materials that crowns are composed of include: Zirconium, porcelain/ceramics and resin.



Zirconium Crowns


These crowns are the strongest and most durable out of all the other crowns. They are prone to chipping, however, the case that they do is rare. Zirconium is a tooth and gum friendly material that provides better results technologically and visually in dental treatments applied in recent years. Zirconium crown is a substructure material that is compatible with the tissues, it does not cause discoloration on the gums, and allows the tooth’s aesthetic appearance to be more easily achieved. Zirconium crown is frequently preferred as the infrastructure of dental implants due to its white color, transparent and light transmission properties.


Emax Crowns

Emax (Empresses) means maximum aesthetics and they are relatively transparent. its light transmittance is excellent so it is one of the most frequently applied materials in smile design applications. Emax crowns are more suitable for anterior teeth, as we do not use them for hard grinding. If you want to use Emax veneer for the posterior teeth, your teeth need to be further cut to obtain sufficient thickness.


Laminate Veneers

Laminate veneers, also known as leaf porcelains are porcelains with an excellent structure applied to the front teeth. Laminate veneers are very thin and have an extremely high light transmission and therefore their properties are close to natural teeth. It is possible to achieve maximum naturalness and the aesthetics with a minimum loss of teeth with porcelain laminate veneers.

Laminate veneers are very thin and strong, it is one of the preferred restoration applications in Neo smile design.

Laminate veneers can be applied during Neo smile design treatment in people with high expectations of aesthetics and naturalness, people with gaps in their teeth, people with indentations and protrusions due to lack of mineralization in their front teeth.

Teeth Whitening

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There are two ways this is commonly done: bleaching and non-bleaching whitening products. Often the terms

Teeth "whitening" is defined as any process that will make teeth appear whiter. There are two ways this is commonly done: bleaching and non-bleaching whitening products. Often the terms "bleaching" and "whitening" are used.


Bleaching products contain peroxide (hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide) and these products remove both surface and deep stains on teeth and can cause teeth to become even lighter than their natural shade.




Professional whitening can be done in a dentist's office in about an hour. The procedure involves application of a tooth whitening gel containing between 25% to 40% hydrogen peroxide, and then aiming a special heating lamp at your teeth for three 20-minute intervals, with reapplication of the gel between intervals. Some dentists may also use a laser, which is reported to accelerate or activate the whitening process. A protective barrier is used during the whitening procedure to keep your lips, gums, and tongue away from the whitening gel so it stays in place on your teeth. For optimal results, the dentist will usually give you whitening trays molded for your teeth so you can follow-up at home with bleaching solutions.

Composite Bonding (Veneers)

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Composite bonding or composite veneers are one of the aesthetic dentistry treatments in which color and form losses are corrected by using composite resin materials.

Composite bonding or composite veneers are one of the aesthetic dentistry treatments in which color and form losses are corrected by using composite resin materials. Today, composite bonding veneers and laminate porcelain veneers can be made while preserving the tooth structure as much as possible.

Composite bonding takes place by bonding the composite resin material to the required areas of the tooth. Most of the time, no abrasion is applied to the tooth for the bonding process, but if necessary, a very small amount of abrasion from the tooth can be made to make composite tooth coatings.

Gum Contouring

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Gum contouring is the process of arranging the amount of gingiva and gingival levels aesthetically according to the adjacent teeth.

Gum contouring, also known as gingival contouring, is a procedure that can permanently add more gum to the mouth, remove excess gum and even smooth out an uneven gum line particularly when you have receding gums or “long” teeth. Gum contouring is primarily a cosmetic procedure and is used to perfect the look of your smile.


Orthodontic Treatments

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Orthodontic treatments are treatments performed by applying force to the teeth.

Orthodontic treatments are treatments that we perform by applying force to the teeth. For this we use various devices, such as braces, clear aligners, and removable acrylic appliances for young children.  It is possible for people of all ages to receive orthodontic treatment if their gums and bone structure are healthy. We provide braces treatment with our highly specialized orthodontist, Additionally, the cost and price of our dental braces are very affordable in Turkey compared to UK and Europe. 


Ceramic Braces


This treatment method, we apply porcelain brackets instead of metal brackets that we routinely stick on the teeth.


In the treatment of clear braces, when the patient smiles, porcelain braces look more aesthetic because they are the same color as the tooth. Therefore, adult patients who are uncomfortable with the metal appearance prefer ceramic braces. We can also apply clear braces to any patient who can be treated with metal braces.  




Our orthodontist will fit you for a series of smooth, comfortable, silicone aligners that are worn over your teeth.  The result is a smile you have always wanted without the embarrassment of traditional braces. 


Instead of using wires, we use custom-made “invisible” silicone aligners to straighten teeth. This process can treat a wide range of cases, from overly crowded teeth to jaw problems and tooth misalignment. 


We recommend wearing your aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day. Because the aligners are removable, you can floss and brush normally and you can also remove them during meals. Your aligners come with a cleaning kit, or you can brush and rinse them under warm water.

Root Canal Treatment

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The tooth’s pulp has a path that runs down through the inside of the tooth and into the gum and jawbone.

The tooth’s pulp has a path that runs down through the inside of the tooth and into the gum and jawbone. This path is known as a root canal. In some cases, a single tooth can have more than one root canal. The term root canal can be slightly misleading because it implies that the root canal of the tooth is empty. However, the root canal houses soft tissue that contains nerves and blood vessels.


If the pulp becomes infected by bacteria it will begin to die, which could result in root canal pain and the loss of the tooth. There is also the risk that the infection could spread down into the root canal, which may lead to the development of a painful dental abscess (a pus-filled swelling). The infection could then spread to your gums (causing a perio-endo lesion) or the tissue and bones that support your teeth (periodontitis).

Inlays & Onlays

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Inlays and onlays are extremely durable porcelain ceramic fillings that are applied in cases where there is too much material loss in the tooth and a very healthy result cannot be obtained with composite filling.

Inlays: A designed filling that is made to be cemented into the tooth. It is used to fill in or cover the pits within the tooth.

Onlaus: a designed filling that is made to be cemented on top of the tooth. It is used to form the upper surface of the tooth.